
Fidingest S.r.l.

Static trust company active in the management of family assets. The main activity focuses on issues concerning the establishment of Trust and other investment “vehicles” for personal funds to grant a harmonious generation to generation handover in small family companies.
Born in and developed as an independent company not belonging to any bank and financial group. Since its foundation in 1992, it has been working with professionalism, transparency, and confidentiality to meet the interests of individuals, families, businesses, and institutions seeking, in privacy to third, a value to keep.
Studio Godoli owns Fidingest S.r.l.

PKF Godoli Ras S.R.L.

The company offers a wide range of solutions and activities: from the asseveration and attestation of financial plans to Internal Auditing, accounting Due Diligence during acquisitions of companies, businesses or branches of companies, checks on the reliability of the internal control system, Due Diligence on credits during securitization operations and much more.

GBV Advisory S.R.L.

GBV Advisory offers a complete range of credit management services for all the needs of investors and corporate entities, given the experience of the professionals employed by the Company in the management of banking, financial and commercial, performing, sub-performing and non-performing products, also consolidated through strategic partnerships with leading professional firms.